Descrizione sintetica: BBI JTI è un partenariato pubblico-privato (PPP) promosso dalla Commissione europea nell’ambito della Strategia europea per la Bio-economia con l’obiettivo di accelerare la creazione di una bioindustria europea competitiva.
Il PPP vede la partecipazione dell’Ue, con la Commissione europea, e del consorzio Bio-based Industries, composto da più di 200 membri, tra grandi imprese e PMI, cluster regionali, associazioni, istituti di ricerca e piattaforme tecnologiche, appartenenti a settori diversi, dall’agricoltura all’industria chimica. Al partenariato aderisce anche l’azienda italiana Novatom Spa.
L’iniziativa ha a disposizione per il periodo 2014-2020 un budget complessivo di oltre 3,7 miliardi di euro, di cui 975 milioni di euro stanziati dall’Ue tramite Horizon 2020 e 2,73 miliardi di euro provenienti dal settore industriale.
La call 2018 finanzia progetti inerenti vari argomenti (topic):
BBI.2018.SO4.S3: Identify opportunities to promote careers, education and research activities in the European bio-based industry
BBI.2018.SO4.S2: Expand the bio-based industry across Europe
BBI.2018.SO4.S1: Benefit from previous and current work to create a coherent and stimulating ‘environment’ for a sustainable bio-based industry in Europe
BBI.2018.SO3.R9: Develop functional molecules for bio-based coatings outperforming existing products and meeting market requirements
BBI.2018.SO3.R11: Develop technologies and systems to produce bio-based aromatics that outperform fossil-based counterparts
BBI.2018.SO3.R10: Develop bio-based packaging products that are biodegradable/ compostable and/or recyclable
BBI.2018.SO3.F2: Large-scale production of proteins for food and feed applications from alternative, sustainable sources
BBI.2018.SO3.F1: Produce on a large scale competitive bio-based building blocks, polymers and materials that outperform existing alternatives in identified market applications
BBI.2018.SO3.D5: Produce sustainable and cost-efficient high-performance functional ingredients from alternative sources
BBI.2018.SO3.D4: Produce biopesticides or bio-based fertilisers as components of sustainable agricultural management plans (1)
BBI.2018.SO2.R8: Develop adequate computational systems for modelling the design, start-up, scaling-up and continuous improvement of bioprocesses involving microorganisms
BBI.2018.SO2.R7: Electrochemical processes for bio-based monomers and polymers
BBI.2018.SO2.R6: Apply emerging breakthrough technologies to improve existing value chains
BBI.2018.SO2.R5: Develop innovative single-step processes for conversion of a biomass feedstock into multiple readily usable intermediate streams
BBI.2018.SO2.R4: Apply advanced biotechnologies to convert biomass that contains inhibitors into high value-added chemicals and materials
BBI.2018.SO2.R3: Introduce new technologies to make pulping operations more resource-efficient
BBI.2018.SO2.R2: Develop techniques and systems to improve the performance of biocatalysts
BBI.2018.SO2.D3: Valorise sugars from the cellulosic and/or hemicellulosic fractions of lignocellulosic biomass
BBI.2018.SO1.R1: Resolve logistical, infrastructural and technological challenges to valorise residual and side streams from aquaculture, fisheries and the aquatic biomass processing industries
BBI.2018.SO1.D2: Find solutions to dilution, pollution and content diversity challenges to turn mixed urban bio-waste (1) into sustainable feedstock for the bio-based industry
BBI.2018.SO1.D1: Improve the logistical and pre-processing steps of locally sourced biomass to serve as feedstock for the bio-based industry
Tipo fondo: HORIZON 2020
Beneficiari: Imprese operanti nel campo della bioindustria.
Tipo finanziamento: contributo a fondo perduto la cui entità dipende dal topic.
Risorse complessive: 115.000.000 euro
Apertura bando: 11 aprile 2018
Scadenza: 6 settembre 2018
Link bando:,topics=callIdentifier/t/H2020-BBI-JTI-2018/1/1/1/default-group&callStatus/t/Forthcoming/1/1/0/default-group&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0/default-group&callStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0/default-group&+identifier/desc